Mapping Your Retirement

What people are saying about
Mapping Your Retirement

Minneapolis Star Tribune article, “Couple navigated retirement and then made a map” by Jean Hopfensperger, April 1, 2008

“. . . One of the most balanced and practical tools I have seen where the goal is to help someone make a decision and then a plan. It has the potential to become a classic in its category.” [more]

—Amy Lindgren, St. Paul Pioneer Press

“Each of us experiences retirement living as uniquely as we experience living before retirement. Yet there are common topics for prudent preparation for the journey, and each is covered well in this book—a ‘best in class’ guide that’s comprehensive and credible.

—Richard Edwards, Administrator Emeritus
Charter House, Mayo Clinic Rochester

“We all want a big table with four strong legs to hold the banquet of our bonus years. The legs are Money Maturity, Wellness, Using Our Time Purposefully and Remastering our Identity. Mapping Your Retirement is the workbook that reaches into key transition topics necessary to bring it all together when planning your next chapter. Whether retirement is your cup of tea or not, this book is about embracing the abundance of our gifted years ahead.”

—Marika Stone and Howard Stone, Co-Authors,
Too Young to Retire: 101 Ways to Start the
Rest of Your Life
(Plume 2004), Co-Founders,

“Although I’ve been what is labeled ‘retired’ for over a decade, I found Mapping Your Retirement extremely useful and very wise. I’ve discovered that these later years are indeed a continuing journey. I’ve found that my needs are different at age 75 than 65 and certainly different than in my 50’s. Our aging process benefits from reassessing your journey along the way and Mapping Your Retirement can serve as an important guide at any age.”

—Connie Goldman, author of Secrets of Becoming a Late Bloomer, The Gifts of Caregiving, and Late Life Love —Romance and New Relationships in Later Years

“Society has so long made aging a problem. It is in fact a wonderful opportunity. Mapping Your Retirement underscores that aging is all about living and it has a wealth of resources to help you create a meaningful, personalized road map for this great journey called life.”

—Kathryn Roberts, CEO and President, Ecumen

“Mapping your Retirement presents a holistic approach to this important transition. It helps one create a vision and assess the physical, mental, social, spiritual, and financial dimensions available and necessary to actualize the vision. It is the most comprehensive guide I have seen and an important resource for those approaching this stage of life.

—Marilyn Hennessy, President, Retirement
Research Foundation

“The continent between the end of midlife careers and the beginning of true old age is uncharted territory. With Mapping Your Retirement, the editors prove themselves to be excellent guides, leading readers to fulfillment and purpose.”

—Marc Freedman, CEO and founder of Civic
Ventures and the author of Encore: Finding
Work That Matters in the Second Half of Life

“Capture the wisdom of purposeful aging with this fine guidebook.”

—Richard J. Leider, Founder, The Inventure
Group, and bestselling author of The Power
of Purpose and Repacking Your Bags.

Mapping Your Retirement is a sophisticated yet easily understood guide to retirement planning. It is the best book I have seen on this important topic.

—Warren R. Bland, PhD, Professor of Geography, California State University, Northridge. Author of Retire in Style: 60 Outstanding Places Across the USA and Canada

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“An indispensable planning tool to help navigate the second half of your life. This easy-to-use workbook will help ensure a happy, healthy, and wise retirement.”

—Jan Cullinane, author of The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life

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Mapping Your Retirement is a program of the Vital Aging Network

Mapping Your Retirement  St. Paul, Minnesota  651.917.4652
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