Managing Your Money
Money gives you options—to do things, have more comforts, gain new experiences, and contribute in different ways. Money is a tool, no more and no less. To use it effectively, start by thinking about your goals. A good plan gives you the information you need to make meaningful choices in your life and puts you in control.
So where do you start? Most people want to know if they will have enough money. And while the answer may be a simple yes or no, determining that answer can be complicated. Mapping Your Retirement will help you get to that answer, and develop a financial plan that supports your life.
Investing Basics. This overview will help you understand how different types of investments
produce income.
Making the Most of Your Investments. Your tolerance for risk and other factors make some investments better for you than others. This chapter will discuss those factors and strategies for increasing investment returns and managing risk.
Managing Tax Obligations. Lowering the taxes on an investment increases your spendable income. This chapter helps you understand your options.
Making Your Money Last a Lifetime. This chapter helps you answer the burning question: Will I have enough? This will help you estimate what you will need to live the life you want.
Passing On What You Have. Estate planning means having your legal affairs in order at the time of your death. But it also means being prepared in case you become disabled or unable to manage your own financial, legal, and medical affairs.
Pulling Together Your Financial Plan. This chapter brings all your planning together to help you create a blueprint you can follow to achieve your goals and secure your future.
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“An indispensable planning tool to help navigate the second half of your life. This easy-to-use workbook will help ensure a happy, healthy, and wise retirement.”
—Jan Cullinane, author of The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life
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